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Ensuring Networks Can Meet Societal Needs (EN-SN):
Policy, Research & Co-production



Understanding how best practice research networks can meet the needs of society through collaborations at the science-policy interface. Considering what type of communications support the translation of research to meaningful policy.

Project Description 

Science Foundation Ireland’s (SFI) Policy Research project, ‘Ensuring Networks Can Meet Societal Needs’ (EN-SN) is being conducted by the University of Galway and will run from 2024-2026. This project investigates how research networks can support the science-policy interface to meet societal needs in (i) Ensuring research networks’ operations support government objectives and (ii) Determining whether knowledge co-production is the best medium to facilitate knowledge flow between the science and policy sectors.


EN-SN aims to provide clear guidance on how research networks can improve their operations through a detailed analysis of research networks and; the creation and application of a national and international interactive workshop series which assesses how the communication strategy of research networks meets desired societal outcomes. 


The specific outputs of the project includes:


  • A research paper which provides theoretical and practical consideration in regards to the ability for research networks to meet societal needs. 

  • The application of a Logic Model to research networks as case-studies (including NARI!) to better understand how the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts of research networks interrelate to create best practice transmissions across the science-policy interface.

  • A white paper highlighting a clear road-map for research networks to improve their operational abilities based on relevant government policies.

  • A national and international workshop series which utilises the Network Compass methodology developed by Bern University in order to support research networks in improving their communication strategies.

  • A research paper analysing best-practice communication strategies for research networks based upon the results of the workshop series.



Project Partners

EN-SN is led by The Network of Arctic Researchers, Ireland (NARI) with the project partners, ArcticNet, The Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network (IACN) and the Scottish Arctic Network (ScAN).



By the end of 2024, a research paper highlighting the spatial embeddedness of research networks using a knowledge-policy-action framework will be completed. In 2025 the Logic Model will be applied to research networks as case studies and the white paper will be completed. At the end of 2025-2026, the national and international workshop series will be undertaken with the results written into a research paper for the projects completion at the end of 2026. In addition, EN-SN will undertake outreach activities in schools and other public engagement events. 

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